Wednesday 5 November 2008

Simple Plan

At first, Simple Plan was formed by friends Pierre Bouvier, "Chuck" Comeau, Phillipe Jolicoeur, and Andrian White in 1993, but it was named "Reset" instead. They went on tour around Canada with popular groups like Face to Face, but only as curtain raisers.

But later, Comeau met up with two old friends: Jeff Stinco and Sébastien Lefebvre who were in separate bands and they created Simple Plan all together. Meanwhile, Reset recorded a second CD, No Limits, and in 1999, Comeau and Bouvier met again at a Sugar Ray concert and Bouvier also left Reset to join Comeau. David Desrosiers replaced Bouvier in Reset, but when asked to join the foursome, he left the band too six months later. This allowed Bouvier, who had doubled as the band's vocalist and bassist, to concentrate on the singing.

The origin of the band´s name is a bit strange. They thought that the band was their simple plan to avoid getting a real job, so when they saw the film "A Simple Plan" it all became clear to them.

I think they have succeeded because they love music and we can see it in all of their songs, moreover, their lyrics are so easy to remember and to sing, so everyone who hears them will enjoy them.

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